Energy Systems Integration: A Trend or a Revolution by KU Leuven
Inclusive Energy Systems - Exploring Sustainable Energy for All by Delft University of Technology
Incorporating Renewable Energy in Electricity Grids by Imperial College London
Energy Supply Systems for Buildings by Delft University of Technology
Energy Policy
and Economics
The Politics and Economics of International Energy by Sciences Po
Energy Economics and Energy Decisions, Markets and Policies by MIT
Fundamentals of Global Energy Business by the University of Colorado
Global Resource Politics: the Past, Present and Future of Oil, Gas and Shale by Hanyang University
Transforming Energy Systems: Why Governance Matters by the University of Exeter
Climate Change and Development
Ecological and Energy Transitions in Southern Countries by Ecole Normale Supérieure
Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries by University of Cape Town
Climate Adaptation in Africa by University of Cape Town
Planning for Climate Change in African Cities by United Cities and Local Governments of Africa
The Electric
Power Sector
Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector by MIT
Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future by the University of Colorado
​Electric Industry Operations and Markets by Duke University
Clean Power Professional Certificate by Imperial College London
Electric Power Systems by the The State University of New York at Buffalo
Law & Policy
​Global Energy and Climate Policy by SOAS University of London
Global Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy by MIT
Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Our Energy Future by the University of California, San Diego
Energy Within Environmental Constraints by Harvard University
The Climate-Energy Challenge by Harvard University
New Energy Technologies: Energy Transition and Sustainable Development by Grenoble Ecole de Management
Climate Change: Science
Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change by the University of Chicago
Global Warming Science by MIT
Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes by the University of Manchester
Climate Change: the Science by the University of Exeter
Tipping Points: Climate Change and Society by the University of Exeter
Climate Change: Finance
The Transition to the Decarbonised Economy of Tomorrow by TUDelft
Climate Change: Financial Risks and Opportunities by Imperial College London
​Climate Finance: Innovative Approaches in Supporting Climate Action by the World Bank Group
Climate Change & the TCFD: Risks & Opportunities for the Banking Industry by the UNEP Finance Initiative
Finding the Money - Financing Climate Action by UN CC:e-Learn